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信息化应用2018 年3 期

(天津市南开医院,天津 300100)

摘  要:著名的流行病学家将循证医学的意义概括为谨慎、精准的运用数据和研究数据,也可称为“遵循依据的医学”。 患者的治疗方案经过多方的合作完成,比如需要基于患者的观念与期待,同时还要配合医生的专业诊断。现阶段,医学的各个领域中已出现循证医学的身影,另外循证医学也已渗透到教育、文献信息检索以及经济等领域中,并为医学决策提供重要的证据。针对文献服务检索系统,EBM 重点调研方向是发展文献信息检索的功能,以证据为主的研究发展。


中图分类号:R5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)03-0133-02

Application of Medical Information Retrieval in Evidence-based Medicine
XUE Meng
(Tianjin Nankai Hospital,Tianjin 300100,China)

Abstract:The famous epidemiologists summarized the significance of evidence-based medicine as a careful and precise application of data and research data,also known as“follow the foundation of medicine”. The patient's treatment plan is completed through multiple cooperation,for example,based on the patient's concept and expectation,and at the same time,it should cooperate with the doctor's professional diagnosis. At this stage,evidence-based medicine has appeared in various fields of medicine,and evidence-based medicine has also penetrated into the fields of education,literature information retrieval and economy,and provides important evidence for medical decision-making. For document service retrieval system,EBM focuses on the development of document information retrieval function,evidence based research development.

Keywords:medicine;information retrieval;evidence-based medicine


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[2] 黄英,黄豪. 基于循证医学实践的医学信息工作 [J]. 现代预防医学,2008,18(35):3549-3550+3562.

[3] 张艳荣. 循证医学研究方法在医学文献检索中的应用 [J].医学情报工作,2003,24(6):438-439.
