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(河南测绘职业学院 经济管理系,河南 郑州 451464)

摘  要:受新型冠状病毒的影响,全国各地大、中、小学普遍开展了“停课不停学”活动,这是大势,也是大局。如今,网课教学已经持续一段时间,为了解学生对于网课的认可程度,任课教师向 135 名经管类专业学生发布了调查问卷。通过学生对网课的优劣势比较、对网课教学的认可程度进行探讨,结合网课教学中遇到的各种实际状况,发现网课同线下教学差异性,并提出今后高等职业院校的课堂开展形式,以供参考。


中图分类号:G434         文献标识码:A          文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0120-03

An Investigation and Analysis of Students’Recognition of Online Courses in Higher Vocational Colleges


(Department of Economic Management,Henan College of Surveying and Mapping,Zhengzhou 451464,China)

Abstract:Influenced by the 2019-nCoV,the “suspension of classes and no stopping” activities are carried out in large,middle and primary school all over the country. This is the general trend and the overall situation. Nowadays,the online course teaching has lasted for a period of time. In order to understand the recognition degree of students for online courses,the teacher issued a questionnaire to 135 students majoring in economics and management. Through the comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of online courses and the discussion of the recognition degree of online course teaching,combined with the various actual situations encountered by the author in online course teaching,this paper finds out the differences between online courses and offline teaching,and puts forward the future forms of classroom development in higher vocational colleges for reference.

Keywords:online course;flexibility;communication and integration


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