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(上海国盛(集团)有限公司,上海 200052)

摘  要:传统企业资产管理要实现信息化,往往存在管控流程复杂、数据采集困难、信息更新慢、差错高、数据应用水平低、考核难度大等弊端。上海国盛集团抓住了合同这一不动产租赁业务中的关键数据源,以点带面推动对集团资产业务全面科学的管控。采用数据驱动理念可以实现企业资产准确评估与资产风险严格管控,并进一步促进资产管理系统向高智能、低风险的监控系统的转型和升级。


中图分类号:TP399         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)07-0111-03

Research on Data-driven Asset Management and Control of State-owned Enterprises

ZHANG Xiaobo

(Shanghai Guosheng (Group) Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200052,China)

Abstract:In order to realize the informatization of traditional enterprise asset management,there are many disadvantages,such ascomplex management and control process,difficult data collection,slow information update,high error,low data application level and difficult assessment. Shanghai Guosheng Group seized the contract as a key data source in the real estate leasing business,and promoted the comprehensive and scientific management and control of the group’s asset business from point to area. Adopting the data-driven concept can realize the accurate evaluation of enterprise assets and strict control of asset risks,and further promote the transformation and upgrading of asset management system to a high intelligent and low-risk monitoring system.

Keywords:data driven;asset control;electronic contract


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