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(江苏省肿瘤医院,江苏 南京 210008)

摘  要:互联网医院作为一种新兴的就医模式,相对于传统医院,正处于“草创阶段”,行业规范、监管方式都有待完善。而专科特色的互联网医院又区别于传统互联网医院发展模式。研究了目前线上就诊专科单一化、药品使用、检查规范化,及医保特病支付能否享有线下同等待遇、监管服务等等一系列问题,基于线上就诊专科单一化、药品使用、检查规范化对互联网医院小程序进行了改进。


中图分类号:TP399         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2021)01-0124-04

Construction Research on Internet Hospital in the Post Epidemic Era

XU Ming

(Jiangsu Cancer Hospital,Nanjing 210008,China)

Abstract:Internet hospitals,as a new medical treatment model,compared with traditional hospitals,which are in the “initialstage”,the industry specification and supervision methods need to be improved. The internet hospital with specialty characteristics is different from the development model of the traditional internet hospital. In this paper,a series of problems are studied,such as the simplification of online treatment at present,the standardization of drugs usage and inspection,whether the payment for special diseases of medical insurance can enjoy the same treatment as offline,regulatory services and so on,it makes corresponding improvement on internet hospital applet based on the simplification of online treatment,the standardization of drugs usage and inspection.

Keywords:internet hospital;specialized hospital;WeChat applet


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