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大数据环境下联合云计算技术的医院信息化 转变研究
(淮安工业园区人民医院,江苏 淮安 223001)

摘  要:文章从大数据及云计算技术对医院的影响入手,总结医院在信息处理、医疗服务、医院管理方面的变化,结合医院信息化建设实践,探究大数据环境下联合云计算技术的医院信息化转变策略,从基础系统转变为云平台、建设多样信息化终端、管理系统转变为大数据平台3 个方面入手,创新医院的信息化建设工作,深入挖掘医疗数据,优化医疗服务,增强管理成效。


中图分类号:TP3         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2021)01-0128-04

Research on Hospital Informatization Transformation Combined with Cloud Computing Technology in Big Data Environment

SHEN Zhiwei

(People’s Hospital of Huaian Industrial Park,Huai’an 223001,China)

Abstract:Starting with the influence of big data and cloud computing technology on hospitals,this paper summarizes the changes of hospitals in information processing,medical service and hospital management. Combining with the practice of hospital informatization construction,this paper explores the strategy of hospital informatization transformation combined with cloud computing technology in big data environment. Starting with the three aspects of transferring from basic system to cloud platform,constructing diversified informatization terminal,and making management system changing to dig data platform,so as to innovate hospital’s informatizaion construction work,dug deep medical data,optimize medical services and enhance management performance.

Keywords:big data;cloud computing;hospital informatization


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