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基于 BP- 神经网络与 SMOTE 算法的上市公司财务
李豫 1,方子强 1,黄敏婷 2
(1. 广东石油化工学院 理学院,广东 茂名 525000;2. 广东石油化工学院 文法学院,广东 茂名 525000)

摘  要:该文通过对来自 19 个不同行业的 4 163 家上市公司进行分析,基于 BP- 神经网络算法确定了不同行业上市公司的财务数据造假相关指标,并以此为依据确定不同行业上市公司财务造假相关数据的异同,从而确定各指标与上市公司的财务数据造假的相关性。加强监管建立常态化的退市机制。对上市公司的数据造假等问题加强监管,对投资者规避投资风险,促进证券市场的良性发展有重要意义。

关键词:SMOTE 算法;BP- 神经网络;财务造假


中图分类号:TP393                                      文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)04-0121-05

Analysis of Financial Data Faking of Listed Companies Based on BP-Neural Network and SMOTE Algorithm

LI Yu1 ,FANG Ziqiang1 ,HUANG Minting2

(1.College of Science,Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology,Maoming 525000,China; 2.School of Humanities and Law,Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology,Maoming 525000,China)

Abstract:Based on the analysis of 4 163 listed companies from 19 different industries,this paper determines the financial data faking related indicators of listed companies in different industries based on BP-neural network algorithm,and then on this basis determines the similarities and differences of financial faking related data of listed companies in different industries,so as to determine the correlation between the indicators and the financial data faking of listed companies. Strengthen supervision and establish a normalized delisting mechanism. It is of great significance for investors to avoid investment risks and promote the healthy development of the securities market to strengthen the supervision on the problem of data faking of listed companies.

Keywords:SMOTE algorithm;BP-neural network;financial faking


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作者简介:李豫(2000—),女,汉族,广东河源人,本科在 读,研究方向:机器学习,数据挖掘及分析。