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(河钢邯钢邯宝炼钢厂,河北 邯郸 056015)

摘  要:规程制度和工艺技术文件,作为企业的重要信息资源,对企业的连续正常生产和技术质量保证具有重要作用。一直以来,工艺技术文件的管理存在诸多问题,管理缺乏一致性、有效性、安全性,甚至造成生产和质量事故。经过调查研究,决定通过开发信息化管理系统来解决这些问题,文章介绍了河钢邯钢邯宝炼钢厂的工艺技术文件的管理系统的设计方案和具体实现。



中图分类号:TP39                                        文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2021)09-0138-04

Development of Process Technical Document Management System in Hanbao Steelmaking Plant

SHANG Zhenwei

(Hanbao Steelmaking Plant of Hegang,Handan 056015,China)

Abstract:As an important information resource of an enterprise,procedure,system and process technical documents play an important role in the continuous normal production and technical quality assurance of the enterprise. For a long time,there are many problems in the management of process technical documents. The management lacks consistency,effectiveness,and safety,and even causes production and quality accidents. After investigation and research,it is decided to develop an informatization management system to solve these problems. This paper introduces the design scheme and concrete realization of the management system for the process technical documents in Hanbao steelmaking plant of Hegang.

Keywords:process technical document;management system;informatization


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作者简介:尚振威(1987.02—),男,汉族,河北邯郸人, 工程师,本科,研究方向:企业信息化建设。