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(中华人民共和国广州海关 信息中心,广东 广州 510623)

摘  要:文章对信息化背景下智慧海关的建设与应用进行了研究。报告了新兴信息技术(如 3D 技术、图像识别、大数据整合分析、AR、5G 等)在智慧海关中的应用现状。对这些新兴信息技术的应用,不仅可以提高海关的监管水平,还可以促进贸易量的上升。为此,如何在未来更好地应用新兴信息技术是海关亟需深入研究的问题,文章从实际应用角度出发,对上述问题进行了研究。



中图分类号:TP311                                         文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)10-0134-04

Construction and Application Research of Smart Customs under the Background of Informatization

HAN Bing,ZHAO Lianfang

(Information Center,Guangzhou Customs District,P.R.China,Guangzhou 510623,China)

Abstract:This paper studies the construction and application of smart customs under the background of informatization. The application status of emerging information technologies such as 3D technology,image recognition,big data integration and analysis,AR and 5G etc. in smart customs is reported. The application of these emerging information technologies can not only improve the supervision level of customs,but also promote the rise of trade volume. Therefore,how to better apply emerging information technologies in the future is an urgent problem for customs to study in deep. This paper studies the above problems from the perspective of practical application.

Keywords:emerging information technology;smart customs;5G


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作者简介:韩冰(1979—),男,汉族,辽宁大连人,中级工 程师,硕士研究生,研究方向:计算机科学与技术。