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关联规则在福彩“快乐 8”游戏中应用的研究
(中国福利彩票发行管理中心技术部,北京 100101)

摘  要:福利彩票“快乐 8”游戏的上市销售,丰富了福彩游戏产品的供给。随着福彩发行规模的不断扩大,系统存储了海量的销售数据。数据挖掘中的关联规则主要是通过建立数学模型和运用算法来分析数据之间的内在联系,揭示某些投注方式间的关联程度。该文将关联规则应用于“快乐 8”销售数据中,通过对部分数据样本的统计分析,提取出某些投注方式之间的内在联系并解释相关语义,为进一步优化调整“快乐 8”游戏规则提供一种参考借鉴。

关键词:关联规则;数据挖掘;快乐 8;数据分析;投注方式


中图法分类号:TP391                                         文献标识码:A                           文章编号:2096-4706(2022)11-0136-04

Research on the Application of Association Rules in Welfare Lottery “Happy 8” Game

ZHAO Wenhua

(Department of Technology, China Welfare Lottery Issuance and Management Center, Beijing 100101, China)

Abstract: The listing and sales of welfare lottery “happy 8” games have enriched the supply of welfare lottery game products. With the continuous expansion of the distribution scale of welfare lottery, the system stores a large amount of sales data. Association rules in data mining mainly analyze the internal relationship among data by establishing mathematical models and using algorithms to reveal the degree of association among certain betting methods. This paper applies association rules to the “happy 8” sales data, extracts the internal relations among some betting methods and explains the relevant semantics through the statistical analysis of some data samples, so as to provide a reference for further optimizing and adjusting the “happy 8” game rules.

Keywords: association rule; data mining; Happy 8; data analysis; betting method


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