摘 要:目前莫尔斯码电报在通信上的应用,仍然主要依赖人工进行发报和抄报,发报和抄报速率慢,且易错发、漏发及错抄和漏抄,使用起来诸多弊端。为解决莫尔斯格式报的使用问题,文章介绍了一款智能莫尔斯格式报抄发设备的软硬件设计与实现,并对格式报自动识别算法的实现进行了详细描述,实现莫尔斯格式报智能抄发,对莫尔斯码电报通信的发展具有重要意义。
中图分类号:TP391.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)11-0140-05
Application of Morse Format Telegraph Automatic Recognition Algorithm Based on OCR Technology
(Shenzhen Electrical Appliances Co. Shenzhen 518000, China)
Abstract: The application of Morse code telegraph in communication still mainly depends on manual sending and reading at present, and the rate of sending and copying telegraph is slow, and wrong sending, missing sending, wrong copy and missing copy are easy to happen. There are many disadvantages in using. To solve the using problem of Morse format telegraph, this paper introduces a software and hardware design and implementation of intelligent Morse format telegraph copying and sending equipment, and describes the implementation of automatic recognition algorithm in detail. It realizes the intelligent copying and sending of Morse format telegraph, which is of great significance to the development of Morse code telegraph communication.
Keywords: Morse format telegraph; copying and sending equipment; automatic recognition
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