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(武警湖南总队医院信息科,湖南 长沙 410006)

摘  要:现如今的大多数医院,病人看病都是按照挂号、就诊、开单、缴费这一流程运转,在同一时段大批量受诊对象进行同一目的的诊疗活动时不能得到及时处理,诊疗效率低下。通过对现有系统的升级和改造,设计一种快速挂号和快速记账的工作模式,解决原有系统记账不全、记账不准的弊端。基于系统重构思想,优化工作流程,改造相关系统,推动医院信息化建设及其管理水平的提升。



中图分类号:TP311                                               文献标识码:A                             文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0136-06

Design and Implementation of Batch Registration and Batch Accounting Function of Hospital Information System

LI Chunlin, ZHOU Genhong

(Department of Information, Hunan Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Changsha 410006, China)

Abstract: Nowadays, in most hospitals, the process that patients see a doctor adhere to the following process of registration, treatment, billing and payment. In the same period of time, a large number of patients can not be treated in time when carrying out diagnosis and treatment activities for the same purpose, and the diagnosis and treatment efficiency is low. Through the upgrading and transformation of the existing system, a working mode for fast registration and fast bookkeeping is designed to solve the disadvantages of incomplete and inaccurate bookkeeping of the original system. Based on the idea of system reconstruction, optimize the workflow, transform relevant systems, and promote the construction of hospital informatization and the improvement of its management level.

Keywords: hospital information system; batch registration; batch bookkeeping


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