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(西京学院,陕西 西安 710123)

摘  要:为了研究多隧道开挖过程中山体变形规律,借助有限元软件 COMSOL 建立多隧道的二维模型,采用弹塑性方法及 Drucker-Prager 屈服准则,对多隧道穿越山体的情况下进行数值模拟分析。模拟过程中,将第一步中的土体当作弹性土,在第二步中加入土的塑性材料模型 Drucker-Prager。在二维平面应变下求解,得到了隧道开挖应力主要集中在洞口周围,造成的土体变形主要位于隧道上方和左右两侧,变形主要以竖向地表沉降为主,隧道轴线对称两侧水平与竖直方向的变形规律相同。



中图分类号:TP391.9                                   文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)18-0142-05

Numerical Simulation of Mountain Deformation and Stress Induced by MultiTunnel Excavation


(Xijing University, Xi’an 710123, China)

Abstract: In order to study the mountain deformation law during the excavation of multiple tunnels, a two-dimensional model of multiple tunnels is established with the help of the finite element software COMSOL. The elastoplastic method and Drucker-Prager yield criterion are used to conduct numerical simulation analysis on the condition of multiple tunnels crossing the mountain. In the simulation process, the soil body in the first step is treated as elastic soil, and the Drucker-Prager, a plastic material model of soil, is added in the second step. The solution is obtained under the two-dimensional plane strain, and it obtains that tunnel excavation stress is mainly concentrated around the entrance, and the soil deformation is mainly located above and on the left and right sides of the tunnel, and the deformation is mainly vertical surface settlement. The horizontal and vertical deformation laws of the symmetrical sides of the tunnel axis are the same.

Keywords: multi-tunnel; two-dimensional model; COMSOL; numerical simulation


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