摘 要:本文阐述了一种EHF 频段频率范围为39GHz-41GHz 混频器的实现方案,介绍了混频器的系统构成和功能,在实现一定增益的同时能够保证设备的杂散和幅频特性等指标。将混频器、微带滤波器、微带转波导、波导滤波器进行一体化设计和加工,利用HFSS 进行仿真,并给出测试结果,验证了方案的可行性,实现了整个链路的结构稳定和小型化。该设计方案能够广泛应用于卫星通信。
关键词:卫星通信;EHF 频段;混频器;滤波器;微带- 波导转换
中图分类号:TN927.2;TN773.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0064-03
Design and Implementation of EHF-Band Mixer
ZHU Qirui,ZHU Sheng,GAN Qiyu
(Guangzhou Haige Communications Group Incorporated Company,Guangzhou 510663,China)
Abstract:This article describes an achievement to design a kind of Mixer at EHF-band of 39GHz-41GHz. The system composition and function of mixer are introduced. The certain gain can be achieved as well as the output spurious and amplitude–frequency characteristics. The mixer,microstrip filter,microstrip-waveguide converter and waveguide filter are integrated designed and processed. High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software is used to simulate and present the tested results. The feasibility of the design is verified,and the structure stability and miniaturization are realized. The design method can be used in satellite communications widely.
Keywords:satellite communication;EHF-band;mixer;filter;microstrip-waveguide conversion
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