摘 要:随着教育信息化的不断推进,智慧校园正在成为校园新的发展趋势。学生考勤管理是建设智慧校园过程必须解决的普遍存在而又重要的课题。目前,不管是传统的还是利用现代智能设备、技术设计的考勤方式都或多或少地存在一些问题。综合考虑成本和效率,提出了一种将校园一卡通、智能电子设备和选座机器与管理系统相结合的方式全方位地进行学生考勤,有效的避免了学生缺勤,特别是虚假考勤的现象,提高了高校对学生的管理效率,从而有效地降低了学生在教学时段出现的一系列安全问题。
中图分类号:TP311.52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)09-0001-05
Research and Design of Student Attendance Management in Smart Classroom
ZHENG Yinhuan
(College of Computer and Artificial Intelligence,Xiamen Institute of Technology,Xiamen 361021,China)
Abstract:Along with the unceasing advancement of education informationization,smart campus is becoming a new trend. Student attendance management is the important issue and the process of the construction of smart campus that must be solved. At present,there are some problems by using traditional or modern intelligent equipment and technology. Considering the cost of attendance and efficiency,a campus card,intelligent electronic device and seat selection machine and system are combined for student attendance in full range,it effectively avoid the student absenteeism,especially the generation of attendance phenomenon,improve the management of students in colleges and universities,and effectively reduce a series of security problems of students happened during the teaching period.
Keywords:education informatization;student attendance;smart classroom;internet of things
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作者简介:郑银环(1984-),女,汉族,福建漳州人,就职 于计算机科学与工程系,硕士,副教授,主要研究方向:高等学校 教育、数据挖掘。