摘 要:传统业务营销方式以人工操作为主,高成本低效率,客户体验较差。本文提出通过Java 语言开发出基于和商汇APP、微信和短信的智能化业务系统。系统采用分布式微服务的模块化架构,实现五大技术创新,为客户提供和商汇APP、微信和短信指令的线上办理通道,实现产品和优惠赠送方案在手机上“一键办理”,在投入使用后为公司创收超过1.5 亿元。
中图分类号:TP311.5;TP212.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)12-0015-03
Research and Application of Intelligent Business System Based onAPP,WeChat and SMS
SHE Bingtao
(Chaozhou Branch of China Mobile Communication Group Guangdong Co.,Ltd.,Chaozhou 521011,China)
Abstract:The traditional business marketing mode is mainly manual operation,high cost and low efficiency,poor customerexperience. This paper proposes to develop an intelligent business system based on Heshanghui APP,WeChat and SMS through Javalanguage. The system adopts the modular architecture of distributed micro-service,and achieves five major technological innovations.It provides customers with online processing channels for shopping mall Heshanghui APP,WeChat and SMS instructions,and realizes“one-click processing” of products and preferential gift schemes on mobile phones. After being put into use,it generates more than 150million yuan of revenue for the company.
Keywords:intelligent;SMS;Java;business system development
基金项目:2017 年广东省新工科研究与实践项目:新工科多方协同育人模式改革与实践(项目编号:2017CXQX001)。
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