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基于CEEMD-CSO-ELM 的短期风速预测
(广东电网有限责任公司江门新会供电局,广东 江门 529100)

摘  要:风电在电网系统中的成功整合与应用需要风电机组或风电场产生的风电信息,又因为风速具有不可预测性、间歇性和非线性等特性,所以准确预测非常具有挑战性。因此,本文提出了一种基于互补经验模态分解(CEEMD)与CSO 优化神经网络预测模型相结合的短期风速预测的新方法,来达到更优的预测效果。在本文中,CEEMD 用于将风速数据分解为多个固有模态函数(IMFs)来进行预测;然后对所有分量建立纵横交叉算法优化极限学习机(CSO-ELM)的预测模型;最后叠加所有序列的预测值作为最终的预测结果。本文对荷兰某风电场的实测小时风速数据集进行大量实验得出结果,来验证所提方法的有效性。


中图分类号:TM614;TP18         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)20-0012-04

Short-term Wind Speed Prediction Based on CEMD-CSO-ELM

ZOU Lanzhen

(Jiangmen Xinhui Power Supply Bureau,Guangdong Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Jiangmen 529100,China)

Abstract:Successful integration and application of wind power in power system requires wind power information generated by wind turbines or wind farms. Because wind speed is unpredictable,intermittent and non-linear,accurate prediction is very challenging. Therefore,a new short-term wind speed prediction method based on CEEMD and CSO optimization neural network prediction model is proposed to achieve better prediction results. In this paper,CEEMD is used to decompose wind speed data into multiple intrinsic modal functions (IMFs) for prediction;then a prediction model of CSO-ELM is established for all components;finally,the prediction values of all sequences are superimposed as the final prediction results. In this paper,a large number of experiments are carried out on the measured hourly wind speed data set of a wind farm in the Netherlands to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Keywords:complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition;crisscross optimization algorithm;extreme learningmachine;wind speed forecasting


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