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(上海电科智能系统股份有限公司,上海 200063)

摘  要:在深入研究大数据在公交行业应用的基础上,本研究提出了公交大数据综合管理平台的系统框架,研究设计了面向公交行业管理者、公交营运管理者和公交出行者的关键应用功能。基于容器、微服务和大数据等技术研制了公交大数据集群,并接入公交业务真实数据进行了平台示范应用的效果验证,证明了大数据挖掘成果的准确性和系统的可靠性,也证明了该技术对提升公交智能化运营管理效率、行业监管效率和服务水平具有重要意义。


中图分类号:U495;TP311.13         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)20-0016-04

Research and Design of Public Transportation Integrated Management Platform Based on Big Data

YANG Yuwei,YAN Ying

(Shanghai Seisys Intelligent System Co.,Ltd,Shanghai 200063,China)

Abstract:Based on the deep study of the application of big data in the public transportation industry,the paper proposes the system framework of the public transportation integrated management platform based on big data,studied and designed key application functions for public transport industry regulators,public transport operation managers and public travelers,the big data cluster of public transport was developed based on the technology of container,micro-service and big data and access to real data of public transport business to verify the effectiveness of the platform demonstration application,the accuracy of the big data mining results and the reliability of the system was proved. the significance of the technology was also proved in improving the efficiency of bus intelligent operation management,industry supervision efficiency and service level.

Keywords:public transport big data;integrated management platform;functional design


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