摘 要:“互联网 +”视域下,大型科研仪器设备始终是科技创新和带动前沿学科发展和研究专业学术领域的重要工具和手段。地方高校是国家高等教育事业的重要组成部分,其大型仪器共享工作的开展充满了机遇和挑战。文章从仪器设备共享系统的功能入手,基于微信小程序 Mina 框架,以 JavaScript 语言为主要开发语言,开发了一款大型仪器共享微信小程序系统。该系统为提升大型仪器设备共享效率,解决大型仪器设备利用率差等问题提供了新的技术方案。
中图分类号:TP311.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0028-03
Research on the Design of Large-scale Instrument Sharing System in Ordinary Universities Based on Applets
LIU Senlin,LI Yunfei,HE Kaichen,LYU Yaomei
(School of Electronic Engineering,Xi’an Shiyou University,Xi’an 710065,China)
Abstract:From the perspective of “internet plus”,large-scale scientific research instruments and equipments are always an important tool and means for scientific and technological innovation and the development of advanced disciplines in the field of research. Ordinary universities are an important part of the national higher education cause,and the development of its large-scale instrument sharing work is full of opportunities and challenges. This paper starting with the functions of the instrument sharing system,based on the Mina framework of WeChat applet,and applies the development language with JavaScript as the main language to develop a system of WeChat applet for large-scale instrument sharing. The system can effectively improve the sharing utility of large-scale instruments,and provide a new technical solution for solving the problems of low utilization rate of large-scale instruments and equipment.
Keywords:large-scale instruments;applets;sharing;program design
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