摘 要:智慧城市指综合利用各类信息技术,通过对城市人与物的感知和互通,大幅优化并提升城市运行效率的过程。文章针对广州市南沙区的区域经济运行展开结构化、动态化、指数化的定量研究,建立区域经济运行指标体系模型,并借助该模型提升南沙区政府决策的“智慧度”。首先运用计量经济学的相关方法构建区域经济运行指标,然后通过德尔菲法对指标进行权重赋值,并应用 AHP 层次分析法确定最终的指标权重,最后通过基准对比分析每个指标值及其测度。
中图分类号:TP391.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0001-07
Establishment of Regional Economic Operation Mechanism Model
——Nansha District of Guangzhou as Example
WEI Mingzhu,MAI Weijie,YUAN Feng
(Institute of Software Application Technology,Guangzhou & Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 511458,China)
Abstract:Smart city refers to the process of comprehensively using various type of information technologies to greatly optimize and enhance the efficiency of urban operations through the perception and interaction of urban people and objects. Based on the regional economic operation in Nansha District,Guangzhou,this paper develops a structured,dynamic and exponential quantitative study to establish an index system model of regional economic operation,and improves the “wisdom degree” of the decision-making of the Nansha district government with the help of this model. Firstly,the relevant methods of econometrics are used to construct the regional economic operation index,and then the index weight is assigned by Delphi method,and the final index weights are determined by AHP analytic hierarchy process. Finally,the value and measure of each index are analyzed by comparing the datum.
Keywords:smart city;Delphi method;weight;analytic hierarchy process
基金项目:广州市科技计划项目(201907010 015)
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