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发挥科技社团优势,培养高技能人才 ( 二 ) ——组织举办仪器仪表制造工国家级一类比赛赛项
(1. 中国仪器仪表学会,北京 100088;2. 广东省测量控制技术与装备应用促进会,广东 广州 510640)

摘  要:仪器仪表是智能制造的基石。中国仪器仪表学会充分发挥科技社团行业引领示范作用,结合智能制造新趋势及其与“测量与控制”的紧密程度,成功申请“仪器仪表制造工 ( 仪器仪表与智能传感应用技术 ) 赛项”作为 2021 年全国智能制造职业技能大赛 ( 国家级一类赛 ) 的新赛项。文章详细介绍了本赛项总体技术方案设计(包括技术思路、竞赛依据、选手能力考察、竞赛平台设计)、赛项任务内容(包括理论知识竞赛内容 7 项任务内容和实际操作竞赛内容 6 项任务内容)以及赛项特色。2021年全国行业职业技能竞赛——第四届全国智能制造应用技术技能大赛决赛——“仪器仪表制造工 ( 仪器仪表与智能传感应用技术 )赛项”在四川省顺利举办,是一个非常重要里程碑。中国仪器仪表学会及时对比赛进行总结,并部署下一步要开展的工作。



中图分类号:G307                                           文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0037-03

Development of High-skilled Technicians with the Full Use of Scientific Society Advantages (Part 2)

—Organize Instrument and Control Technician National First-Class Competition

ZHANG Yingchun1, LIU Guixiong2

(1.China Instrument and Control Society, Beijing 100088, China; 2.Measurement Control Technology and Equipment Application Promotion Association of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510640, China)

Abstract: Instrument and control is the cornerstone of intelligent manufacturing. The China Instrument and Control Society, who has given full play to the leading and demonstration role of the scientific society, with the new trend of intelligent manufacturing and its closeness to “measurement and control”, has successfully applied for the “Instrument and Control Technician (Instrumentation and Intelligent Sensing Application Technology) Competition” as a new sub-competition of the 2021 National Intelligent Manufacturing Vocational Skills Competition (national first-class competition). This paper introduces in detail the overall technical scheme design of this competition (including technical ideas, competition basis, player ability inspection, competition platform design), competition content (including 7 tasks of theoretical knowledge competition and 6 tasks of practical operation competition) and competition features. The 2021 National Industry Vocational Skills Competition—Finals of the 4th National Intelligent Manufacturing Application Technology Skills Competition—“Instrument and Control Technician (Instrumentation and Intelligent Sensing Application Technology) Competition” was successfully held in Sichuan Province, which is a very important milestone. The China Instrument and Control Society summarizes the competition in a timely manner and deploys the work to be carried out in the next step.

Keywords: scientific society; training of high-skilled technicians; national first-class competition; instrument and control technician


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