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(湖南农业大学 信息与智能科学技术学院,湖南 长沙 410128)

摘  要:为了提升学习者在线学习的效果,文章提出基于课程知识图谱来设计适应学习者个体需求的在线学习系统。首先以“Python 程序语言设计”课程为例,设计了在线学习系统的系统模型,详细阐述了各模型的作用和构建要求;然后逐步介绍了在线学习系统的主要功能模块——学习模块和管理模块的设计思路和实现流程。最终所得系统能根据学习者的个体特征和学习行为习惯,提供个性化的学习路径和学习资源服务,从而大大提升了学习者的学习效率。




中图分类号:TP311.5                                       文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0001-06

Design of Online Learning System Based on Knowledge Graph

CHEN Guangyi, CHEN Yiming, QIAO Bo

(College of Information and Intelligence, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China)

Abstract: In order to improve the effect of online learning of learner, this paper proposes to design an online learning system based on course Knowledge Graph that can meet the individual needs of learners. Firstly, taking the course of “Python Programming” as an example, the system model of the online learning system is designed, and the functions and composition requirements of each model are expounded in detail. Then, it gradually introduces the design idea and implementation process of the two main functional modules in the online learning system——learning module and management module. The final resulting system can provide personalized learning path and learning resource services according to learners’ individual characteristics and learning behavior habits, so as to improve their learning efficiency.

Keywords: Knowledge Graph; online learning system; learning path; personalized learning 


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