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基于 RL-DTW 的智能手机身份认证机制研究与实现
(潍坊职业学院,山东 潍坊 261041)

摘  要:针对当前智能手机解锁的特点,利用用户手指滑动屏幕加速度不同的生物特性,提出了一种基于 RL-DTW 算法的智能手机滑动解锁认证方法。并通过对传统 DTW 算法和优化 RL-DTW 算法进行数据对比,得出 RL-DTW 算法在辨别模仿者方面的加速度确定概率值高达 93%,远高于 DTW 算法的 72%,很好地满足了用户对智能手机随意形状滑屏解锁的需求。

关键词:生物特征;滑动解锁;RL-DTW 算法


中图分类号:TP391.4                                       文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0006-06

Research and Implementation of Smart Phone Identity Authentication Mechanism Based on RL-DTW

LIU Cong, LI Nengneng

(Weifang Vocational College, Weifang 261041, China)

Abstract: Aiming at the characteristics of current smart phone unlocking, this paper proposes a smart phone slide unlock authentication method based on RL-DTW algorithm by using the different biological characteristics of user’s finger sliding screen acceleration. And through the data comparison between the traditional DTW algorithm and the optimized RL-DTW algorithm, it is concluded that the acceleration determination probability value of the RL-DTW algorithm in the aspect of identifying imitators is as high as 93%, which is much higher than 72% of the DTW algorithm. It is well satisfied the user’s demand for the random shape slide screen unlocking of the smart phone.

Keywords: biological characteristics; slide unlock; RL-DTW algorithm 


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