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基于大数据的农业农村数字化平台系统构建 ——以 A 省为例
(广州国家现代农业产业科技创新中心,广东 广州 510520)

摘  要:针对当前省级农业农村部门信息化程度偏弱、数据整合共享程度低、统一规划工作不足的问题,构建一个基于大数据“123+N”的省级农业农村数字化平台,通过建设 1 个农业农村大数据底座、2 个应用支撑体系、3 级省市县平台协同体系,以及 N 个政务、农业产业和农村社会治理应用系统,可实现全省农业农村大数据“一网通管”,对于加快省级农业农村数字化平台建设具有参考意义。



基金项目:广东省乡村振兴战略专项项目(粤财农〔2021〕125 号,粤财农〔2021〕37 号);广州国家现代农业产业科技创新中心创建项目(2018kczx03)

中图分类号:TP311                                         文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)23-0011-04

Construction of Agricultural and Rural Digital Platform System Based on Big Data—Take Province A as an Example

YANG Runna

(National S & T Innovation Center for Modern Agricultural Industry (Guangzhou), Guangzhou 510520, China)

Abstract: Aiming at the current problems of weak informatization, low data integration and sharing, and insufficient unified planning of provincial agricultural and rural departments, a provincial agricultural and rural digital platform based on big data “123+N” is built. By building one agricultural and rural big data base, two application support systems, a three-level provincial, city and county platform coordination system, and N government, agricultural industry, and rural social governance application systems, it can realize the provincial agricultural and rural big data “all in one network management”, and has reference significance for accelerating the construction of provincial agricultural and rural digital platform.

Keywords: big data; agricultural and rural; platform system


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