摘 要:依托区块链的内在安全特性,应用于时间银行养老平台建设,形成志愿者的服务链,采用加密算法和共识机制等有效防篡改,便于后期信息追溯;对外提供统一的服务接口,便于与第三方对接提供快速的安全服务能力。针对现有平台存在的不足之处,设计出一种功能全面、系统安全的平台架构,有效解决时间银行养老平台数据安全问题,提供“通存通兑”的跨区可信体系和数据验证能力,加强平台的可持续应用,更大发挥未来价值。
基金项目:浙江东方职业技术学院 2022 年一般课题(DF2022YKY05);教育部高校学生司第二期供需对接就业育人项目(20230106380)
中图分类号:TP311.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)07-0038-04
Research on Time Bank Pension Platform Architecture Based on Blockchain Technology
DIAO Qi 1, LIN Min2
(1. College of Digital Engineering, Zhejiang Dongfang Polytechnic, Wenzhou 325000, China; 2.Information Management Center of Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee, Wenzhou 325088, China)
Abstract: The inherent security characteristics relying on the Blockchain is applied to the construction of the time bank pension platform. A volunteer service chain is formed, and encryption algorithms and consensus mechanisms are used to effectively prevent codification, so as to facilitate later information traceability. A unified service interface is provided to the outside world, so as to facilitate the connection with the third party and provide fast security service capabilities. In view of the shortcomings of the existing platform, the platform architecture with comprehensive functions and safe system is designed to effectively solve the data security problem of the time bank pension platform. It provides a trans-regional trusted system and data verification capability of “universal deposit and withdrawal”, strengthens the sustainable application of the platform, and gives greater play to the future value.
Keywords: Blockchain; time bank; pension; data security
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