摘 要:传统考试需要人工出题、排版,设计答案和答题纸,撰写上交学校的各种相关资料,工作量大,耗时长,因此设计了基于 SSSDJ 框架(Spring、SpringMVC、SpringDataJPA)的智能组卷系统,该系统提供智能组卷、题量分配、指定题目、题库下载等功能。系统设计完成后对试卷模板进行了测试,测试结果表明,该系统能够实现高效智能组卷的目标,并能够同步生成各种所需材料。
关键词:SSSDJ 框架;智能组卷系统;交互式 Web 应用
中图分类号:TP311.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)07-0042-04
Design and Implementation of Intelligent Test Paper Generation System Based on SSSDJ Framework
ZHANG Xu, YI Xiang, LI Yutong, WANG Ling
(School of Network and Communication Engineering, Jingling Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211169, China)
Abstract: Traditional examinations require manual qureseion setting, typesetting, designing answers and answer sheets, and writing all kinds of relevant materials submitted to the school, which is a heavy workload and time-consuming. Therefore, an intelligent test paper generation system based on SSSDJ framework (Spring, SpringMVC, SpringDataJPA) is designed, which provides functions such as intelligent test paper generation, test volume allocation, designated questions, and test bank download. After the system design is completed, the test paper template is tested. The test results show that the system can achieve the goal of efficient and intelligent test paper generation, and can synchronously generate various required materials.
Keywords: SSSDJ framework; intelligent test paper generation system; interactive Web application
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