摘 要:计算机管理信息系统研究的是管理系统中信息处理和决策的整个过程。CMM 模型主要用于评估软件承包商的能力,它是一种在世界范围内流行和实用的软件过程评价模型。根据评价指标设计目的和选取原则,从计算机管理信息系统基础、应用效果、信息技术三个方面进行评价指标及取值方法的设计。
关键词:CMM 模型;计算机管理信息系统;评价指标
中图分类号:TP302.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)09-0005-03
Design and Implementation of Evaluation Index for Computer ManagementInformation System Based on CMM Model
GAO Chuan
(School of Information,Hunan University of Humanities,Science and Technology,Loudi 417000,China)
Abstract:The research of computer management information system is the whole process of information processing and decisionmanagement system,CMM model was used to evaluate the ability of the software contractor,it is a worldwide popular and practicalsoftware process evaluation model. According to the evaluation index design purpose and selection principle. This paper designs theevaluation index and the method of value selection from the three aspects of computer management information system foundation,application effect and information technology.
Keywords:CMM model;computer management information system;evaluation index
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