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(1. 黔西金坡煤业有限责任公司,贵州 毕节 551519;2. 华洋通信科技股份有限公司,江苏 徐州 221116)

摘  要:目前贵州大多矿井水泵房仍然采用传统的人工操作排水方式,存在很大的安全隐患。黔金煤矿从水泵房生产实际出发,针对现有排水系统的弊端,利用以西门子PLC 为核心的监控分站、保护传感器、液位检测装置和音视频对讲云台摄像仪对原有的排水系统进行改造,使井下水泵房远程集控系统能够根据实时水位及水泵运行时间,结合用电“避峰就谷”原则,按照“轮班工作制”自动启动与停止水泵,实现了井下泵房排水的自动化控制和地面远程集控。


中图分类号:TD442.2;TD67         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)11-0158-03

Remote Control System of Water Pump Room of Qianjin Coal Mine

CAO Guangxu1,REN Yongli1,HE Guangqiang2

(1.Qianxi Jin Po Coal Industry Co.,Ltd.,Bijie 551519,China;2.Huayang Communications Technology Co.,Ltd.,Xuzhou 221116,China)

Abstract:At present,most of the pumping stations in Guizhou still use traditional manual operation and drainage methods,and there is a great potential safety hazard. In view of the disadvantages of the existing drainage system,the existing drainage system isreformed by using PLC control cabinet,protection sensor,liquid level detection device and audio-video camera,so that the remote setcontrol system of the well sewer house can be rooted in the real-time water level and the running time of the pump. The remote centralizedcontrol system of underground pump house can automatically start and stop the pump according to the real-time water level and the runningtime of the pump,the principle of “avoiding peak and valley” and the principle of “working in shifts”,thus realizing the automaticcontrol of underground pump house drainage and the remote centralized control of the ground.

Keywords:coal mine pumping station;programmable logic controller(PLC);audio and video


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[2] 李洋. 林南仓矿井下泵房无人值守自动化控制系统 [J]. 煤矿机械,2010,31(7):138-140.

[3] 李世银,钱建生,孙彦景,等. 煤矿工业以太网网络模型研究及应用 [J]. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2007(S1):213-216.
