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(武警海警总队广东支队深圳海警局盐田工作站,广东 深圳 518000)

摘  要:海洋强国战略的大力实施促进了船舶技术的快速发展。自动化技术是船舶稳定运行的关键,对提高海洋交通事业的发展水平有很大的影响。我国对海洋事业的大力支持推动了船舶事业的高速发展,船舶自动化技术也得到了极大的提升,自动化核心技术的开发极大地提高了我国海洋事业的经济效益。船舶自动化技术的发展一定程度上改变了船舶的运营模式,本文对船舶自动化技术的应用及发展趋势进行了研究。


中图分类号:U665         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)19-0179-02

Discussion on the Application and Development Trend of Ship Automation Technology

HUANG Guanghui

(Yantian Workstation of Shenzhen Maritime Police Bureau,Guangdong Branch of Armed Police Maritime Police Corps,Shenzhen 518000,China)

Abstract:With the strong implementation of the strategy of marine power,ship technology is also affected by the rapid development. Automation technology is the key to the stable operation of ships,which has a great influence on the development of marine transportation. Due to the strong support for marine undertakings in our country,it has promoted the rapid development of shipping industry,and the ship automation technology has also been greatly improved. The development of automation core technology has greatly improved the economic benefits of marine undertakings in our country. The development of ship automation technology has changed the operation mode of ship to a certain extent. In this paper,the application and development trend of ship automation technology are studied.

Keywords:ship automation technology;development trend;ship-shore information integration


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