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基于 TOC 的复杂模具生产计划与控制方法研究
(南京电子技术研究所,江苏 南京 210039)

摘  要:军用电子装备的生产组织具有“多品种、变批量”特征,其生产所用模具具有结构复杂、“三化”程度低、制造精度高等特点,直接导致了模具生产制造品种多、周期长,难以快速响应装备制造的个性化需求。针对这一现状,将 TOC 应用于复杂模具生产制造的组织管理中,通过 DBR 计划控制模式解决目前普遍存在的模具生产节奏跟不上装备生产计划需求和生产周期长的难题。



中图分类号:F407.6;E92                                 文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2021)14-0173-04

Research on Production Schedule and Control Methods for Complex Molds Based on TOC

LING Jianping

(Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology, Nanjing 210039, China)

Abstract: The production organization of military electronic equipment is characterized as “multiple varieties and variable quantities”. The molds used in the production have the features of complex structure, low degree of “Standardization, generalization and modularization” and high manufacturing precision, which directly lead to the multiple varieties and long cycle in mold production and manufacturing so that it is difficult to respond to the customized demands of equipment manufacturing rapidly. In view of this situation, this paper applies TOC to the organization and management of complex mold producing and manufacturing, and solves the common problem that the mold production rhythm cannot keep up with the demand of equipment production plan and the production cycle is long by DBR (Drum-Buffer-Rope) plan control mode.

Keywords: mold production; TOC; DBR


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作者简介:凌剑萍(1965.04—),女,汉族,江苏苏州人,工程硕士,高级工程师,研究方向:雷达天线制造工艺研究及生产 现场管理。