摘 要:针对包装车间镍摞人工计量时效率低、精度差,控制难的问题,采用复秤对比的方式精确计量镍摞重量,利用西门子控制器 Smart200PLC 通过 RS485 口的自由口协议及 RS232 转 485 模块 UT201B 与托利多 IND331 称重仪表自带的 RS232口通信实现数据采集,通过 PLC 软件编程进行数据处理,满足系统控制要求,并提供报警功能;同时通过 PLC 作 profinet IO与主控 1500PLC 通信,满足车间 mes 终端数据采集要求。
关键词:复秤对比;镍摞精确计量;Smart200PLC;IND331 称重仪表;RS232 通信;控制
中图分类号:TP29 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)19-0157-04
Design of Repeated Weighing Comparison Nickel Stack Precision Metering System
ZHANG Bowen1,2, WU Wei 1,2, ZHOU Xiangrong1,2
(1.Changsha Institute of Mining Research Co., Ltd., Changsha 410012, China; 2.National Metal Mining Engineering Technology Research Center, Changsha 410012, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problems of low efficiency, poor accuracy and difficult control in manual measurement of nickel stack in packaging workshop, the weight of nickel stack is accurately measured by repeated weighing comparison. Using Siemens controller Smart200PLC and the free port protocol of RS485 port, and RS232 to 485 module UT201B communicates with the built-in RS232 port of the Toledo IND331 weighing instrument for data acquisition, and performs data processing through PLC software programming to meet system control requirements and provide alarm functions; at the same time, it communicates with the main control 1500PLC through using the PLC as profinet IO to meet the workshop mes terminal data collection requirements.
Keywords: repeated weighing comparison; precision measurement of nickel stack; Smart200PLC; IND331 weighing instrument; RS232 communication; control
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