摘 要:随着建筑建材企业经营规模的不断壮大,建立与之相匹配的建材贸易物资管理系统将是建筑建材企业持续发展的必由之路。针对物资管理的重难点,文章介绍了一套自主研发的创新性物资管理平台。利用自主研发平台实现建材相关物资从计划、采购、生产、仓储、销售的全生命周期管理,提高了物资基础信息采集、流转的快速性和准确性,减少了库存和降低经验成本,有利于企业规范化管理,提高了管理水平和经营效益。
中图分类号:TP39 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)23-0151-04
Exploration and Application of Digital Transformation Based on Building Materials Trade Industry
(Anhui Construction & Building Materials Technology Group Co., Ltd., Hefei 230022, China)
Abstract: With the continuous expansion of the business scale of construction and building materials enterprises, the establishment of a matching building materials trade material management system will be the only way for the sustainable development of construction and building materials enterprises. Aiming at the key and difficult points of material management, this paper introduces a set of innovative material management platform developed independently. The self-developed innovative material management platform is used to realize the whole life cycle management of building materials related materials from planning, procurement, production, storage and sales, improve the speed and accuracy of material basic information collection and circulation, reduce inventory and reduce experience cost, facilitate the standardized management of enterprises, and improve the management level and operating efficiency.
Keywords: material management system; the whole life cycle management; information collection
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