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(合肥联宝信息技术有限公司,安徽 合肥 230601)

摘  要:智能制造成为实现制造产业升级的重要途径,文章通过设计笔记本电脑底层逻辑运算程序,可以实现在生产线实时检测芯片温升的响应曲线。通过实时检测温升斜率数据与阈值数据对比,可以筛选出芯片叠层结构热阻超标的产品并及时提醒检测人员。采用大数据批量检测产品热阻数据,分析产品热阻性能的稳定性,为后期产品热设计提供大数据支撑。在产品售出后,继续定期进行散热性能检测,实现笔记本电脑全生命周期的智能制造技术。



中图分类号:TP391.9;TP311                         文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)20-0159-04

Research on Temperature Rise Characteristics of Laptop Chip and Intelligent Design of Product Heat Dispersion Performance Control System

HU Hai, ZHANG Jinghui, MENG Xianchun, XIA Lifeng, YE Zhenxing

(Hefei Lianbao Information Technology Co., Ltd., Hefei 230601, China)

Abstract: Intelligent manufacturing becomes an important way for realizing the upgrading of manufacturing industry. This paper could realize the real-time detection of response curve for the rise of chip temperature in production line by designing a laptop underlying logic operation program. Through comparing the temperature rise slope data of real-time detection with the threshold data, the products with excessive thermal resistance of chip laminated structure could be screened out and inspectors will be timely reminded. The big data is adopted to test product thermal resistance data in batches and analyze the stability of product thermal resistance performance, and provide big data support for later product thermal design. After the product is sold, the heat dissipation performance test is continued regularly to realize the intelligent manufacturing technology of the whole life cycle of laptops.

Keywords: laptop; thermal resistance; embedded management technology; thermal design; intelligent manufacturing


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