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(广东南华工商职业学院 信息工程与商务管理学院,广东 广州 510507)

摘  要:为降低仿生手臂的抓取失败率,提升手臂整体的灵活度和灵敏性,给使用者带来更加舒适、稳定的应用效果,结合人体工学技术对仿生手臂进行创新设计与开发。先进行受力垫片与仿生驱动卡扣的搭接,设计基础环境中的驱动结构,并针对手臂移动的状态,完成对仿生手臂关节气动肌肉拮抗处理。再结合人体工学,逐步构建柔性触觉感知模型,最终采用重复振动法实现仿生手臂设计。测试结果表明:与传统气动肌肉仿生手臂和传统 LeapMotion 仿生手臂相比,所设计的人体工学仿生手臂的抓取失败率更低,均控制在 1% 以下,表明其应用误差较小,更加便利、高效,具有更高的实际应用价值。



基金项目:2023 年广东省科技创新战略专项资金(“攀登计划”专项资金)(pdjh2023b0928);广东省高职教育教学改革研究与实践项目(GDJG2021175);2021 年校级质量工程移动互联网应用技术协同创新中心阶段性成果(2021ZL01)

中图分类号:TP242                                           文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)21-0144-04

Innovative Design and Development of a Bionic Arm Based on Ergonomics

HUANG Jiayi, ZHOU Yiyan, WU Junting, YU Wenjie, ZHUANG Jiacan

(School of Information Engineering and Business Management, Guangdong Nanhua Vocational College of Industry and Commerce, Guangzhou 510507, China)

Abstract: In order to reduce the grasping failure rate of the bionic arm, improve the overall flexibility and sensitivity of the arm, and bring more comfortable and stable application effects to users, the bionic arm is innovatively designed and developed in combination with ergonomic technology. Firstly, the stressed gasket is overlapped with the bionic driving buckle, the driving structure in the basic environment is designed, and the pneumatic muscle antagonism of the bionic arm joint is completed according to the moving state of the arm. Combined with ergonomics, a flexible tactile sensing model is gradually constructed, and finally the bionic arm design is realized by the repeated vibration method. The test results show that compared with the traditional pneumatic muscle bionic arm and the traditional LeapMotion bionic arm, the ergonomic bionic arm designed in this paper has a lower grasping failure rate, which is controlled below 1%, indicating that its application error is smaller, more convenient and efficient, and has higher practical application value.

Keywords: ergonomics; bionic arm; mechanical design; mobile control; main control structure; bionic principle

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