摘 要:为实现缩微智能车沿预设路径稳定行驶,本文以多传感器缩微智能车为载体,搭建了1 套包含无线通信系统、视频监控系统、终端控制系统的缩微道路交通实验台,实现了图像数据处理、道路识别跟踪、路径规划判断以及运动控制执行等主要功能。重点研究了缩微智能车路径跟踪的Pure Pursuit 控制算法,该算法能实时调整缩微智能车当前位置与预设路径之间的偏差,从而使得缩微智能车的航向在一定程度上能与预设路径保持一致。实验结果表明:Pure Pursuit 算法响应速度快、超调量小,缩微智能车能更快速稳定地实现路径跟踪。
关键词:缩微智能车;Pure Pursuit 算法;路径跟踪
中图分类号:TP273 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0147-04
Path Tracking of Micro Intelligent Vehicle Based on the Pure Pursuit Algorithm
HE Junlong,DU Feng,GUAN Zhiwei,YUAN Ye
(School of Automobile and Transportation,Tianjin University of Technology and Education,Tianjin 300222,China)
Abstract:In order to realize the stable driving along the preset path of the miniature intelligent vehicle,a set of miniature road traffic experimental platform including wireless communication system,video surveillance system and terminal control system is built based on the multi-sensor miniature intelligent vehicle. The image data processing, road recognition and tracking,path planning judgment and motion control are realized. Main functions such as system execution. This paper focuses on the Pure Pursuit control algorithm for path tracking of miniature intelligent vehicle. This algorithm can adjust the deviation between the current position and the preset path of miniature intelligent vehicle in real time,so that the heading of miniature intelligent vehicle can be consistent with the preset path to a certain extent. The experimental results show that the Pure Pursuit algorithm has fast response speed and small overshoot,and the miniature intelligent vehicle can realize the path tracking more quickly and steadily.
Keywords:micro intelligent vehicle;Pure Pursuit algorithm;path tracking
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